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Welcome! Below you will see all of our current applications.

  • You will need to create a free Submittable account or sign in with Google or Facebook credentials to submit to these forms.
  • You can save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.
  • If anything changes with the information you submitted, please request to edit the submission.
  • Submittable works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported. Please make sure you are using a supported browser.
  • We will follow-up with you about your submission by email. Please be sure to safelist notification emails from Submittable and check the email you used to sign up for your Submittable Account regularly.

Technical Questions?

Check out the Submitter Resource Center or contact Submittable Customer Support.

About Music for All

Music for All’s mission is to create, provide, and expand positively life-changing experiences through music for all. Our vision is to be a catalyst to ensure every child in America has access and opportunity to active music-making in his or her scholastic environment.

Music for All combines programming at a national level with arts education advocacy. Bands of America (BOA) and Orchestra America are programs of Music for All, founded in 1975, recognized as the pinnacle of educational programming for high school instrumental music programs nationwide. Music for All reaches a vast number of people; each year, more than 300,000 people attend our events, more than 85,000 teens participate, and 100,000 people subscribe to online services.

Music for All is committed to expanding the role of music and the arts in education, to heightening the public’s appreciation of the value of music and arts education, and to creating a positive environment for the arts through societal change. Working with leading national authorities and other non-profit organizations, Music for All invests resources and personnel in projects that expand access to public school music and arts programs through advocacy and public awareness efforts to support music and arts education.

Music for All is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization.



Music for All is honored to have received an invitation for the Bands of America Honor Band to perform in the 137th Rose Parade, January 1, 2026 in Pasadena, California. 

This is an unforgettable opportunity you won’t want to miss! 

The 300-piece, national Honor Band in the Rose Parade will be directed by Richard Saucedo, former Director of Bands (retired) at Carmel High School, in Indiana, leading a dream team staff of music educators.  

Music for All’s mission is to create, provide, and expand positively life-changing experiences through music. The splendor and excitement of the Rose Parade is an experience of a lifetime for student performers. The national Bands of America Honor Band gives students from every high school band program in the country the opportunity to perform in this unforgettable event. 



Registration is now open for the 2026 Honor Band in the Rose Parade to be held in Pasadena, CA from December 27, 2025 – January 3, 2026. There is no audition component for the 2026 ensemble. Any interested students should just register at the link below.


Students interested in participating must complete the online registration form as soon as they can – once the sections are full, registration will close. After you submit your registration your band director or private instructor will receive a Student Recommendation form. 


Your band director/private instructor must complete their Student Recommendation form within 2 weeks of registration for you to be considered an accepted member of the ensemble.


Flute/Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, 

Mellophone, Trombone, Baritone/Euphonium, Tuba, Cymbals, Color Guard

Payment Deadlines 

Total Member Package Cost: $3,600*.
       The package cost excludes round-trip transportation to/from Los Angeles.
*Based on Quad Room Occupancy (4 students; 2 beds). Upgrades to double rooms are permitted (2 students; 2 beds).
No single rooms will be permitted. Family members will be able to purchase a Family package; but may NOT share rooms with their students. 


Payment Due Dates 

$340 due by Feb. 15, 2025.

$365 due by April 1, 2025.

$365 due by May 1, 2025.

$365 due by June 1, 2025.

$365 due by July 1, 2025.

$365 due by August 1, 2025.

$365 due by Sept. 1, 2025.

$365 due by Oct. 1, 2025.

$365 due by Nov. 1, 2025.

$340 due by December 1, 2025.
All payments are non-refundable. 


Time Commitment

Once a student is accepted into the ensemble, they should prepare to spend at least 4 hours/month working on music and forms needed for participation. 

There will be 5 student assignments for students to submit via MusicFirst dates TBD.

Assignment information, music and forms will be released in monthly update emails.

Students should plan to arrive to Pasadena, CA on December 27, 2025, by 1 p.m. Students are able to travel home anytime on January 3, 2026.



Phone: 317.636.2263

Toll-Free: 800.848.226

Scholarship Information 

There are a limited number of partial scholarships available for students who would benefit from financial support to participate in the Honor Band. 

Application Requirements

  • Two essay prompts
  • A mentor recommendation 
  • Description of financial need

Applications and recommendations are due on April 1, 2025. Applicants will be notified of their scholarship status by May 1. 

About the Honor Band in the Rose Parade

Music for All is honored to have received an invitation for the Bands of America Honor Band to perform in the 137th Rose Parade, January 1, 2026 in Pasadena, California. 

This is an unforgettable opportunity you won’t want to miss! 

The 300-piece, national Honor Band in the Rose Parade will be directed by Richard Saucedo, former Director of Bands (retired) at Carmel High School, in Indiana, leading a dream team staff of music educators.  

Music for All’s mission is to create, provide, and expand positively life-changing experiences through music. The splendor and excitement of the Rose Parade is an experience of a lifetime for student performers. The national Bands of America Honor Band gives students from every high school band program in the country the opportunity to perform in this unforgettable event. 

Registration Information

Registration is still open for the 2026 Honor Band in the Rose Parade to be held in Pasadena, CA from December 27, 2025 – January 3, 2026. 

Students interested in participating must complete the online registration form. 



Phone: 317.636.2263

Toll-Free: 800.848.226

Applications and all supporting materials are due to Music for All office no later than May 20, 2025. 

Below are the application requirements for the 2026 National Festival - March 26-28, 2026.


1.1 – BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS: Please submit an unedited audio recording of 12-20 minutes of music, made during the 2021-2022 school year. 

1.2 – PERCUSSION ENSEMBLES: Please submit an unedited audio recording of two or three selections/movements not to exceed 15 minutes of applicant, made during the 2024-2025 school year.



2.1– Audio recordings should not only display the ensemble’s technical proficiency but also demonstrate their musical expression and artistry. You are strongly encouraged to submit a high-quality, high-fidelity recording. Remember, your ensemble’s audition performance is only as good as the quality of the recording.

2.2 – There is no required music list, but it is recommended that the music be selected from Grade IV or higher for high school ensembles and Grade III or higher for middle school ensembles. 

2.3 – Recordings can be of festival performances, live concerts, or recorded performance for purpose of audition.

2.4 – Submissions that exceed the time requirements may not be evaluated beyond the maximum length (20 minutes for bands and orchestras; 15 minutes for percussion ensembles).



3.1 – All recordings should be in stereo. Any deviation from this standard may result in a loss of sound quality.

3.2 – Do not use any type of enhancement technique or audio editing to change the quality of the live performance.

3.3 – Prepare a digital audio file as 128k mp3. Access the online application and instructions to upload your digital audio recording at

3.4 – Suggested recording criteria for audition recording:  1) Directional microphone, not omni microphone;  2) Dynamic microphone, not condenser;  3) Set meters to peak at max +3;  4) Microphones should be 9’ to 10’ behind conductor/ensemble, and at least 10’ above the ensemble.

3.5 – All applications are evaluated anonymously. All announcements and verbal identification of the ensemble on the submission must be omitted.



4.1 – Multiple ensembles of varying types from a school may apply. Each ensemble will be evaluated independently. 

4.2 – Music for All will continue to present a stage at the Music for All National Festival specifically for ensembles from schools with enrollment of 1,400 or less in grades 9-12. Applying ensembles may select consideration for this Small School Stage or select to be considered for other stages with schools of all sizes.

4.3 –Invitations may be issued to more than one ensemble from a given school based on the merit of the audition recording(s). Music for All reserves the right to schedule all Festival performances.

4.4 – If accepted, ensembles are required to be present from the Opening Session starting at 1:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon. Ensembles assigned Friday performances are advised to arrive on Thursday.


5. FEES:

5.1 – The application fee is $250 for each applicant ensemble.

5.2 – If You Are Accepted, you will be notified via email of your acceptance to the Music for All National Festival along with access to the Director Area of the website, and an invoice for your non-refundable $5,000 deposit for bands and orchestras, or a $2,500 deposit for percussion ensembles paid within 15 days of acceptance. YOU ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED UNTIL WE RECEIVE YOUR DEPOSIT.  You may pay your deposit via credit card or by mailing a check to our office.



6.1 – All participating students must be registered at the same school or percussion studio, or a feeder school. All performers who contribute to the performance MUST be students. Special guest soloists who are not students are allowed but may not perform on pieces for which they are not the guest soloist(s).

6.2 – The ensemble director and a school official must authorize with their signatures approval of this application, in accordance with Music for All policies. Unless the “Input Only” option is selected, by signing the application, the director and school official acknowledge that if invited to the event, the applying ensemble will participate and perform a concert as specified in the application FAQs. The signatures of the ensemble director and school official acknowledge acceptance of one of the event packages for the estimated number of students.

6.3 – If accepted, ensemble directors and booster representatives from each ensemble are required to participate in four 1-hour virtual familiarization sessions during which Music for All staff and Festival coordinators will convey critical Festival participation information and answer questions. These required sessions will be scheduled to occur in August, October, December and February.



7.1 – The completed application (online application, audition recordings, application fee and administrator signatures) must be submitted by the May 20, 2025 deadline..

7.2 - Three (3) original copies of each score must be mailed to the Music for All Office, mailing address below, postmarked on/before May 20, 2025. Photocopies will not be accepted unless the proper documentation from the copyright holder or publisher is submitted with the score. It is best to send via certified mail and track your package.
    Music for All, Inc: 39 W. Jackson Place, Suite 150, Indianapolis, IN 46225

7.3 - Once all components of your application have been received (online application with recordings and fee, administrator form, and scores), you will receive a Complete Application notification email.



8.1 – If accepted, the ensemble’s signed application grants Music for All the right to use in any media the ensemble’s name, likeness, photographs, and reproduction of the performance, and the ensemble’s members for any purpose including promotion, advertising, or otherwise. For purposes of use of these rights, the signed application (on behalf of the ensemble and its members) releases and indemnifies Music for All and its agents from all claims, liabilities, and damages which may arise from such use.

8.2 – Music for All secures the permissions to perform all published works and arrangements of copyrighted music that is performed. However, if a custom arrangement is created, or a new work or arrangement is commissioned, the participating ensemble must supply to Music for All written permission from the copyright owner to arrange and perform such works at our Festival. Copyright information and program selection form(s), (if applicable), must be provided to Music for All by January 15, 2026.

8.3 – If an ensemble, after acceptance, plans to utilize a travel agent, that agent must work through Music for All on specifics regarding the ensemble’s itinerary. The invited ensemble agrees to utilize the Music for All Festival Package hotel and meal accommodations from Thursday night through Sunday night while the ensemble is in Indianapolis.

8.4 – Bands, orchestras, and percussion ensembles accepted for the 2026 Music for All National Festival will be notified no later than September 1, 2025.

Scholarships for the Sweetwater Director Academy at the Bands of America Summer Camp

Music for All offers two scholarships to help music educators attend the Sweetwater Directors Academy at the Bands of America Summer Camp. We aim to support deserving music educators who are interested in attending but, would benefit from receiving financial support to attend camp.

There is a single application; please select all the scholarships you wish to be considered for when applying.

Scholarship Opportunities

1. Mark Williams Memorial Scholarship for Educators

The Mark Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund for Educators was created in honor of Mark Williams (1955-2008) to celebrate his life and work as a great educator, composer and beloved friend.

Eligibility: Directors who teach at a Title 1 school

Award: Full scholarship to the full week camp


1. Complete an essay prompt:

  • Describe how the Bands of America Summer Camp experience will help you become a better music educator and how you will utilize what you learn during the camp.

2. Provide information about your school music program budget, explicitly drawing attention to your school's policy on funding for professional development.

2. Music for All Foundation Scholarship for Directors

Eligibility: Any music educator seeking financial assistance

Award: Full scholarship to the full week camp


1. Complete an essay prompt:

  • Describe how the Bands of America Summer Camp experience will help you become a better music educator and how you will utilize what you learn during the camp.

2. Provide information about your school music program budget, explicitly drawing attention to your school's policy on funding for professional development.

All Applications are due April 1, 2025

Scholarships for the Sweetwater Director Academy at the Bands of America Summer Camp

Music for All offers a scholarship to help future music educators attend the Sweetwater Directors Academy at the Bands of America Summer Camp.

Mark Williams Memorial Scholarship for College Students

The Mark Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund for Educators was created in honor of Mark Williams (1955-2008) to celebrate his life and work as a great educator, composer and beloved friend.

Eligibility: College student planning to pursue a career in music education

Award: Full scholarship to the full week camp


1. Complete an essay prompt:

  • Describe how the Bands of America Summer Camp experience will help you become a better music educator and how you will utilize what you learn during the camp.

2. Professor or advisor recommendation

All Applications are due April 1, 2025

The Patrick John Hughes Parent/Booster Award acknowledges the support, involvement and contributions to the advancement and success of a scholastic music education program. Presented annually by Music for All, the award is named in honor of Mr. Patrick John Hughes, a music parent who has inspired millions. Learn more about the award and the inspiring story of Patrick John Hughes at

 Nominations must be completed by Friday, August 29, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. If you have any questions about the Parent/Booster Award, please contact: Emily Timmons, Education and Advocacy Coordinator, at 317-218-4922 or

 All current, active parents, boosters, or supporters of any scholastic music education program are eligible for nomination. The program does not have to be affiliated with Music for All or Bands of America. Former or inactive parents, boosters, and supporters of Music for All and/or Bands of America participating programs may also be nominated.

Selection Criteria
 Nominees will be evaluated based on the following selection criteria:


  1. Value of Service
  2. Level of involvement with the music program
  3. Strength of the letters of support
  4. Results achieved by nominee
  5. Power of story to motivate others
  6. Creativity of the nomination entry
  7. Audio/video supporting materials

The winner will be notified by September 29, 2025 and invited to participate in an awards ceremony at the Grand National Championships in Indianapolis on Friday evening, November 14, 2025. Music for All will provide hotel accommodations (one room, double occupancy) for three nights and VIP tickets to all Grand Nationals events for up to four family members. Round trip airfare will be provided for up to two people.  

 If you have any questions about the Parent/Booster Award, please contact: Emily Timmons, Education and Advocacy Coordinator, at 317-218-4922 or

 Thank you for honoring the outstanding Parent/Booster in your life!

Music for All, Inc.